Social Adventure - Costal Confidence

Surf's was Up at Our Coastal Confidence Social Adventure!

When you get to meet new people, walk dogs, and enjoy the seaside with your pup and brilliant company - that's a Social Adventure!

Today was our first beach trip, strolling together so the dogs could socialise and make new furry friends if they fancied. There were times when the whole experience got a bit too exciting for some pups, and we had to manage their excitement. But overall, everyone had a smashing time!

The best thing about these walks is exposing your dog to new healthy experiences (socialisation) in a safe way. I'm there to advise on what's happening and how to handle situations.

Today we welcomed Helen and Paul with little Mabel to the group. They joined Becky with Ruby and Jamielee with Obi. My PawFecter Crew came too and we all had a brilliant adventure!

We strolled along the beach then headed up the cliff top, with stunning scenery and fantastic weather. The whole event was a howling success!

We ended at the PawFecter Cafe where I provided coffee and cake. Can't beat that!

Looking forward to more coastal confidence building soon.


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