A Rewarding Day of Dog Training in the Great Outdoors

I recently hosted a "Train on the Trail" event which proved to be a tremendous experience for both dogs and their human companions. We had a productive day together learning new exercises, playing games and using existing cues, and strengthening bonds whilst exploring the local nature trails.

The scenic woodland trails made for an ideal backdrop for our outdoor training sessions. With stunning scenery, fresh air, and bright sunshine, it provided excellent exercise and mental stimulation for the pups, and the dogs certainly relished all the new smells and sights whilst walking the paths!

During the event, dog owners learned how to train their canine friends in skills like find, stay, come when called, and enjoyed walking. We incorporated engaging activities to reinforce the training and make it an enjoyable process for the dogs. Treats and toys assisted in keeping them focused and attentive despite potential distractions in the open terrain.

By practicing this positive reinforcement training outdoors, dogs generalised the skills more effectively to apply them in everyday settings, and owners gained first-hand knowledge in communicating clearly with their pets.

The group training also assisted shy or excitable dogs in building confidence and remaining calmer around unfamiliar people or dogs. It was delightful to see their personalities shining through thanks to the socialisation experience.

Apart from the dog training itself, the event provided humans and their faithful canine companions valuable time together to strengthen their bond. Many participants remarked how much they cherished this dedicated occasion to simply appreciate a long hike surrounded by nature's splendour.

I met many wonderful dog enthusiasts whilst spending hours roaming the trails. The community of like-minded people eager to better understand and connect with their pets was tremendous. We traded training pointers and enjoyed comparing our dogs' distinctive quirks.

After working up an appetite from the fresh air and exercise, we stopped in the cafe for a hot lunch to warm ourselves up. We then proceeded to continue our afternoon along another section on the trail.

Both pups and people departed happy and worn out after such an enriching day.

Based on the abundantly positive feedback from attendees, we shall certainly be organising more trail training events soon!


Socialising Adolescent Dogs at the Teens'R'Out Activity