Exploring the World, One Paw at a Time
- #adogstail
- #adogstale
- #adventurepaws
- #beachwalks
- #brampton
- #cosatalwalk
- #dog
- #dogadventures
- #dogbrain
- #doghealth
- #doghips
- #dogholiday
- #dogligaments
- #dogmentalstimulation
- #dogs
- #dogsears
- #dogselbow
- #dogshealth
- #dogsjoints
- #dogsmuscles
- #dogsocialisation
- #dogsonholiday
- #dogstoes
- #dogswellbeing
- #dogtraining
- #dogwalk
- #dogwalks
- #dogwellbeing
- #easingtonbeach
- #exploring
- #forrestwalks
- #hamsterley forest
- #hamsterleyforest
- #happydays
- #health
- #health #wellbeing
- #hips
- #intheforest
- #joints
- #newplaces
- #newroutes
- #pawfecterdogtraining
- #pawsontour
- #pawventures
- #rally
- #socialadventures #Socialisation
- #tail
- #trainingdogs
- #walkinthewoods

A Rewarding Day of Dog Training in the Great Outdoors
I recently hosted a "Train on the Trail" event which proved to be a tremendous experience for both dogs and their human companions. We had a productive day together learning new exercises, practicing obedience cues, and strengthening bonds whilst exploring the local nature trails.